Sunday, September 4, 2011

So On and So Forth - The Recount

I haven't even looked at this since I last posted, but as per my comment, it was well worth it. I look back at the post from over 3 years ago, and I see a starry-eyed kid ready to look at the world from a new perspective. After a fair bit of bullying and some exclusion from my Primary school, which I hadn't completely realized at the time, I came to my High school ready to make new friends, keep old ones, and start anew. I didn't realize it yet, but destiny is one messed up lady. She does whatever she wants, and whether you want something or not, and whether it's for the best or not, it's up to her.

But I digress.

regarding the hopes for one year:
-Woodwork/Metalwork was great fun, and I still have one of my creations, a mini basketball shooter, which is awesome.
-I've pretty much lost touch with everyone from primary school. a bit because they didn't talk to me, and a bit because I didn't talk to them. when no one talks, nothing happens, and people get disappointed and move on, or try to.
-As for friends at Year 7 and to now, I'd like to think that everyone is my friend, but that is not the case. It never is the case. There are people in the world who are genuinely nice to everyone in their world, and those people are the best of people. Everyone likes them because they are all treated the same. And as much as I aim to be like those people, I can't. People are a**h***s. those people that I like hang out with people I dislike, because the people I dislike are people who dislike me, and the vicious circle continues. I do have friends from Year 7 to now. I do have more friends than year 7, as that was when nobody knew each other, and growing up we meet everyone, but the people in my life at the moment are not really "friends." It saddens me to look at my life at the moment and recognize that I screwed up, and I haven't even lived for what I hope is at least a fifth of my life.
-My dog, Cody, has stopped jumping the fence, after some heightening and securing.
-I do now have a PS3, which I got for Xmas'09. it has been a fantastic escape from the world when I need it.
-My nonna (grandma) has been going well with her knee, although old age is not the kindest of symptoms for sickness.
-My cousin and I are still very close. Although he is a bit spoiled, we are still great fans of gaming and we do get to spend a lot of time together, whether it is plaing games or just hanging. But recently we have been a bit separated as we have our own lives to attend to. We're still close.
-As for music and movies, well, it depends on your taste, but within recent times, I'd have to say the Scott Pilgrim movie was amazing, the Ministry of Sound CD's have been awesome, and at the moment I am loving the latest Skulduggery Pleasant book.

now regarding the 3 year dreams:
-I am on y L's but shitting myself as I am very scared to be having such a power at my hands on the road and not feeling quite confortable as I am finding it difficult to concentrate on speed as well as the positioning of the car on the road. And then add in timing of signals, turning, making sure your doing the right thing and that other cars know it is really stressful... But I will learn... with time.
-I am doing pretty well on my subjects for school, and I don't seem to be falling behind on anything, although my mum is really bugging me as of late (as in in the middle of me typing this) about me playing too many games. I might save that rant for another time, but it's quite annoying.
-As for friends in my house (school houses) and other houses, I have made some friends. I have made some 'enemies' (for lack of a better word, not that we fight, but I could do without their presence... or being. Not that I want to kill them, just for them to leave me alone.)
-(I've discussed the Primary school situation)
-The part-time job thing has been a bit difficult. I would still love to have one, but my current situation is a pretty tall road block; at the moment, my family is doing renovations to our house, so we are living with my nonna and nonno (grandparents). This has been an interesting life experience, and I did not want to look for a job while I was here because a) the situation would change when we move back, b) it is uncertain when we are moving back, and c) we went on a family holiday to Italy for 6 weeks in the middle of the year, and it would seem irresponsible to get a job, then leave for a significant time. But, I am now looking around and seeing what I can do.
-As for the basketball team, I guess that that would have been a nice thing to get into, but it just didn't happen, mostly because I seem to dislike the other people who would be with me. The whole reason I stopped playing was because of my 'teammates' being jerks, and I felt like that'd end up being the case everywhere. I think now that I was/am paranoid, but still am too paranoid to change that.
-The growing up thing is weird. I did say something in music industry, gaming tech, or cooking. Now, I can't play music, the industry in Australia is crumbling and I couldn't see myself doing that for a career, and cooking isn't a job I want to persue. We've (year 10's) recently had to choose our subjects for VCE, and it's frustrating choosing subjects for a career that you don't know yet. I hope for the best.

and now for now.

actually, I'll make it a separate post...


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